I want to get you off on the right track, so I first want to share a little something that I picked up about 3 years ago when dealing with an online survey job for teens. You know how we all get on the internet and look for info and websites that same way? That's right, we all go over to whichever search engine we feel the most comfortable with. While it normally works very well for us, it's the last thing you should go to when you want to know exactly which websites are going to pay you the best money for your efforts. Out of the 256 pages of results they give you, only about 2 of the places on those pages will be worth going to. How will you know which two sites will pay high, with out spending 3 weeks signing up to each and every one of them.
Enough about that nonsense, though. Let me get to the best part of this article, so I can put a smile on your face once you try it. Here's the real deal: You know what message boards are, right? Well, the biggest ones are going to be your secret weapon against the low paying websites, while actually finding the best paying ones. You can make paid surveys into a fantastic online survey job for teens 18 and younger by just using their archived topics about this subject. If you haven't been there, go to one and see how many topics on this subject there are. Hundreds of them will come up if you do a quick search. It is what I use every single week, and sometimes daily, when I want to make even more cash. You will turn paid surveys into such a great online job for teens younger than 18.